
In order to play the KaM Remake you are required to have Knights and Merchants: The Peasants Rebellion installed. You will not be able to install the KaM Remake without it. It can be purchased and downloaded instantly from many online stores including

Buy Knights and Merchants: The Peasants Rebellion on

If you purchase Knights and Merchants: The Peasants Rebellion using the link above, we receive a small percentage of the sale, which supports the project and helps to keep our servers running. If you wish to contribute further to the project you can also donate directly to us.

The version has been tested to be compatible with the KaM Remake installer, but some versions that are available online might not be, depending on the format used by the publisher. Installing from a legitimate Knights and Merchants: The Peasants Rebellion CD should also be compatible with the KaM Remake installer.

Latest release: KaM Remake r6720 (10/12/2014)

Download kam_remake_full_r6720.exe Downloaded 1152675 times –322.65 MB

Name Size Hits Link
Full installer
322.65 MB 1152675 Download
Updater from previous version
96.67 MB 155110 Download
Dedicated server executables
1.92 MB 123415 Download

Old releases

Old releases can be found in the download archive.

Mac OSX and Linux

Please read our instructions for running KaM Remake on Mac OSX and Linux.