If you enjoy playing KaM Remake and would like to help support it, please consider donating. KaM Remake is developed and released free of charge (all you need is the original KaM game) and developers give up their own free time to work on the mod.
The server that hosts our website and the multiplayer master server costs money to rent, and so does our domain name. Donations exceeding these costs will find their use in other applications we might consider if a large enough sum is collected (software development licenses, hardware, other expenses)
We encourage you to donate to help support the project, but please be aware that donating is completely optional. There will be no special features or rewards given to donors, but you will have our deep gratitude for your contribution towards the running costs and future development of the Knights and Merchants Remake.
PayPal is the most common and probably the easiest way to make a donation. You can specify an amount to donate in any currency supported by PayPal and if you don’t have a PayPal account, you can pay by credit/debit card without signing up for an account.