Category Archives: News

Trailer and Youtube channel from Shadaoe

Allow me to introduce Shadaoe, you might know him from the forum and you’ve probably seen him online in multiplayer matches. Shadaoe has kindly offered to run a Youtube channel for the KaM Remake which will have tutorials, feature announcements, recordings of multiplayer matches and whatever else he thinks you might be interested in.
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Welcome to our new website

Hi guys, welcome to the new website for the KaM Remake,

The new demo will hopefully be released within a week, but for now there are no downloads on the site. We will be adding more pages and content to the site soon.

Please check out our social media pages on Facebook and Twitter, as well our Youtube channel run by Shadaoe. (the first videos will be coming soon) You’ll also notice live statistics from the master server to the right, so when the demo is released you will be able to see how many people are playing by checking this site.

I look forward to hearing your feedback and seeing you in online games 🙂