For nylig har Knights and Merchants fået meget opmærksomhed på Steam. KaM Remake er et must at prøve, hvis du leder efter en ægte HD-version af Knights and Merchants. For at hjælpe Steam-brugere har vi tilføjet en FAQ-indgang om dette emne:
Q: Hvordan installerer jeg KaM Remake, hvis jeg har Steam-versionen af KaM?
Du skal starte Knights and Merchants fra Steam mindst én gang, før du kører KaM Remake-installationsprogrammet, ellers vil installationsprogrammet ikke finde det. Bortset fra det skal du bare downloade det fulde installationsprogram fra vores downloadside og køre det. Hvis du vil have Steam-overlayet, mens du spiller, kan du tilføje KaM Remake til dit Steam-bibliotek ved at klikke på Games -> Add a Non-Steam Game to My Library på Steam-hovedmenuen.
There is a FAQ section on this site where you can find answers to the most frequent questions we get asked about KaM Remake. If you are interested in other topics, please head to our FAQ page. If you have a question which you think should be added to our FAQ, please write it in the comments below 🙂
We are still working on the upcoming update to KaM Remake, we are currently beta testing the new release. If you want to join our beta tester team or contribute something to the project such as a translation, send us an email at:
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