Uus väljalase: r4001 5. mitme mängijaga demo

KaM Remake'i populaarsus kasvab jätkuvalt. Viimase versiooniga (r3392) jõudsime üle 18 000 allalaadimiseni ja iga päev võrgus olevate mängijate arv kasvab pidevalt. See on suurepärane uudis ja annab meile lisamotivatsiooni arendustegevuse jätkamiseks. See uusim versioon sisaldab palju põnevaid uusi funktsioone ja ootame teid pärast seda värskendusi. Vabastuse saate aadressilt allalaadimisleht.

We would like to take this opportunity to remind you to consider donating to support future development if you haven’t already done so:

Annetage KaM Remake'ile

In this release we have made a balance change to food with the aim of making food production a more significant aspect of the game (especially in multiplayer), as it was in original Knights and Merchants. Due to this change you will probably need to build food production earlier than you did in the last release. We have also made wine a more practical source of food because we found most players considered it ineffective compared to other food sources.

Here is a summary of some of the most significant changes:


  • Units begin with the same amount of condition as they did in the original game (they will need to eat for the first time approximately 12 minutes sooner than before)
  • Wine now restores 30% condition (previously 20%)
  • Vineyard now requires only 9 fields to run optimally (previously 11)


  • Many crashes and bugs fixed
  • Fixed some bugs in the Linux dedicated server (shouldn’t crash now)
  • Terrain elevation rendered incorrectly on some systems
  • Optimisations to make the game run faster and smoother

Uued funktsioonid:

  • Graphs in game results (army size, house count, resources, etc.)
  • Alerts on the minimap when you are under attack
  • Beacons in multiplayer (shortcut B) to highlight a position to your allies
  • Units/houses can be assigned to number hotkeys similar to other RTS games (CTRL+1 assigns the selected house/unit to the hotkey 1)
  • Improved map selector in multiplayer lobby with sortable columns
  • Campaign story screen plays the audio briefings from the original game
  • Support for custom singleplayer campaigns
  • Smooth shadows for houses
  • Smooth death/thought animations for units
  • Support for larger maps up to 256 x 256 tiles (previously 192 x 192)
  • Map editor shows the total amount of resources in deposits
  • More flag colors to choose from in multiplayer
  • Improved and updated maps
  • New maps including 17 new co-op missions
  • Two new music tracks kindly contributed by André Sklenář (www.juicelab.cz): Market and Household
  • New translations: Belarusian, Chinese and Norwegian

Thanks to all of the beta testers who helped to make this release as bug free and stable as possible. We hope you all enjoy playing it 🙂
Lewin and Krom.

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