Knights Province Alpha 11 on peagi valmis ja on aeg rääkida veel ühest ainulaadsest funktsioonist, mis sellel on: Knights Tavern!
[Tavern Scene, 1658, autor David Teniers II]
Knights Tavern (lühendatult KT) on koodnimi kontoserverile, mida oleme arendanud alates 2019. aastast. Kontod olid KaM Remake'i üks sagedamini nõutud funktsioone, kuid meil polnud kunagi teadmisi ega julgust selle tegelikuks rakendamiseks (noh, paljude jaoks). põhjused). KP-le tehti katseid, kuid see õnnestus alles hiljuti, kui saabus õnnelik juhus (artikli kujul ( ja koodihoidla ( Now, knowing that the backend server can be developed in the same language as the game, KT is finally taking its chance to come true.
Neat thing about KT, is that it can be used for both KaM Remake and Knights Province. Both games are very much alike in terms of accounts info they provide and can benefit from. So we can safely build KT in such a way that it allows for a single account for both Knights Province and KaM Remake. Register once and play twice. KP is our testground for the KT. Once it is sufficiently tested, KaM Remake can be upgraded and start using it too.
You can help with KT playtesting right now, but more on that later.
Basic auth functionality is mostly covered: KT has player accounts that can be registered, activated, logged in to and logged out of, forgotten passwords can be reset.
For a proof of concept, KT can report how many player accounts it has and how many players were active within the last hour.
The first useful feature in KT are mission highscores. If a single-player mission was prepared by the mapmaker in a specific way (2 lines of script, one dynamic and one static), the game can submit the mission’s winning score to KT and later on show the player his ranking in that mission.Missiooni rekordidWord of caution, KT is still in beta and might have bugs in all different areas. We hope to iron them out over time. That’s why we start testing with simple functionality, so flaws in the authentication (which there must be) can be fixed. So, since there might be bugs and weak spots, do not use your everyday life passwords for KT.
KT future allows for many interesting things:
Sõbrad, kiirsõnumid, fuajeekutsed, klannid jne
Mängijate reitingud ja maine, ELO skoorimine jne.
KT esitab meile uued väljakutsed:
See tuleb asünkroonselt kodeerida, et andmepäringud mängu ei aeglustaks ega külmutaks.
Mängija andmed tuleb edastada ja turvaliselt salvestada (kasutame juba soolasid ja räsi)
Peame säilitama mängijate andmeid versiooniuuenduste ja mänguversioonide vahel
Mis kõige parem – saate juba KT-d proovida ja aidata meil seda täiustada! Vaadake uusimaid KP wip-versioone (saadaval Discordis Palun teatage kõigist vigadest või puudustest. Oleme avatud ka ettepanekutele KT funktsionaalsuse kohta. See võib suunata seda paljudesse suundadesse ja kõige parem oleks valida need, mis on ihaldatumad.