PÄIVITYS 9.6.2012: Turnaus on alkanut! Tarkista Powah Tournament -foorumin aihe nähdäksesi tikkaat ja tulokset.
Olen viettänyt jonkin aikaa verkkosivustollamme Krom jatkaa koodin parissa. Minulla on ilo ilmoittaa kahdesta uudesta ominaisuudesta:
The site is now translated! You will see a selection of flags on the right panel, allowing you to see the site in your native language. The translations comes from Google Translate by default, and can then be improved by volunteers.
Please help us improve the translations! Contact us and we will give you an account to edit/correct the translation, making the site better for others. We need as many volunteers as possible to spread the workload.
If your language is not shown, let us know and we can look at including it.
Our servers page now features a list of the 20 most-played maps. Our server keeps a record of each time a map is played so we can show interesting statistics like these. We hope this will give map makers an indication of maps styles players prefer.
Congratulations to koczis12 for creating the most popular fan-made map so far, Golden Cliffs. (shown to the right)
And there’s more exciting news! Mulberry, Florek ja To from our community are organising a 2 vs 2 multiplayer KaM Remake tournament! We hope you will all participate in it. If it is a success they are planning to organise more tournaments in the future, maybe even with prizes!
For information on the tournament please read their post on the forum.
We hope you enjoy the new features and will take part in the tournament
11 vastaukset "Käännökset, huippukartat ja turnaus!”