Instalacija KaM Remakea sa Steamom

Nedavno je Knights and Merchants dobio mnogo pažnje na Steamu. KaM Remake morate isprobati ako tražite pravu HD verziju Knights and Merchants. Kako bismo pomogli Steam korisnicima, dodali smo FAQ unos o ovoj temi:

P: Kako mogu instalirati KaM Remake ako imam Steam verziju KaM-a?
Morate pokrenuti Knights and Merchants iz Steama barem jednom prije pokretanja KaM Remake instalacijskog programa, inače ga instalacijski program neće otkriti. Osim toga, samo preuzmite cijeli instalacijski program s naše stranice za preuzimanje i pokrenite ga. Ako želite imati Steam sloj dok igrate, možete dodati KaM Remake u svoju Steam biblioteku klikom na Games -> Add a Non-Steam Game to My Library na glavnom izborniku Steam-a.

There is a FAQ section on this site where you can find answers to the most frequent questions we get asked about KaM Remake. If you are interested in other topics, please head to our FAQ page. If you have a question which you think should be added to our FAQ, please write it in the comments below 🙂

We are still working on the upcoming update to KaM Remake, we are currently beta testing the new release. If you want to join our beta tester team or contribute something to the project such as a translation, send us an email at:

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