Naujas leidimas: r5503: Scenarijų demonstracija

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ATNAUJINIMAS (2013-06-30): Ištaisėme atminties nutekėjimą skirtame serveryje ir išleidome atnaujintus serverio vykdomuosius failus (r5047). Naują ZIP kodą galite gauti adresu atsisiuntimų puslapį. Prašome atnaujinti serverio operatorius!

Jį galite rasti adresu atsisiuntimų puslapį. Jei jau turite įdiegtą ankstesnę versiją (r4179), jums tereikia atsisiųsti naujinimo diegimo programą (42 mb), kitu atveju jums reikės visos diegimo programos (258 mb).

The biggest feature in this release is the new dynamic scripting system. It allows map authors to write script code which is executed while you play, allowing simple things like reinforcements arriving at the edge of the map, as well as entirely new game modes such as Fun with Flags (Florescence One) by Siegfried. Ben has organised a competition for dynamic scripted missions, so expect to see a lot more creative and exciting new missions over the coming months!

Here are some of the most significant changes:


  • All units with a shield (axefighters, swordfighters, scouts and knights) get +1 defence against ranged units (bowmen and crossbowmen) to make them more viable
  • Bowmen (not crossbowmen) reload slightly faster to make them more viable
  • Trading is slightly cheaper at the market


  • dinaminiai scenarijai
  • Standalone AI trains soldiers and sets defense lines (as shown above in the screenshot), still unfinished
  • Host can set game speed from 1.0x to 3.0x in the lobby (during and after peacetime set separately)
  • New singleplayer campaign made by Vas with 10 missions
  • Host can set a password for the lobby to allow private games
  • Host can set a description for the lobby which is shown for the selected server in the server list (for example “new players only”)
  • FPS shown next to ping so you can identify players causing lag
  • Block delivery of specific weapons to the barracks
  • Clicking on minimap location in lobby picks it
  • Location and flag color selector for single-player maps
  • Option in the lobby to randomize locations within each team
  • Ability to send private chat to a specific player (whisper)
  • Fog of war can be visualized for the selected player in replays
  • You can scroll around the map by dragging with pressed scroll wheel


  • Improved army rearranging (video)
  • Map Editor is mostly functional now, few minor features are still missing (undo/redo), but everything else seems to be there
  • Messages for houses and soldiers are collected in a message log rather than individual messages
  • Changed unlocking order to make the start of the game faster and more interesting, now by default the school and inn are both unlocked at the start, and the quarry and woodcutters are both unlocked after building the school
  • Significant pathfinding and AI performance optimisations
  • Pressing a key selects the map starting with that letter in map/save lists
  • Co-op missions no longer require you to set the AI locations manually
  • Stopped builders emptying towers exploit, now builders don’t approach enemy towers.

Bug fixes (most important)

  • Farmers are more efficient at sharing fields
  • Weapons can be taken out of the barracks to be traded at the market
  • Maps/saved game lists load much faster after the first time
  • Soldiers ordered to attack bowmen will follow the bowmen if they move away
  • Fixed exploit where you could increase ranged units’ rate of fire by repeating an order at the right moment (such as attack house)
  • Many more bugs/crashes fixed

The full changelog can be found after installing in the file Changelog.txt.

We’d like to give a big thanks to all our beta testers who helped make this release stable by finding and reporting bugs during beta testing.

Please consider donating to support future development of the project:

Aukokite „KaM Remake“.

We hope you enjoy the new release, let us know what you think in the comments! 🙂
Lewinas ir Kromas.

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