După cum probabil știți, ultima versiune (r2678) a avut câteva blocări ocazionale. Am remediat aceste blocări și am adăugat câteva funcții suplimentare, iar acum avem pregătită o nouă actualizare! Ia-l de la pagina de descărcări. Dacă aveți instalată oricare dintre versiunile anterioare (r2411 sau r2678), veți avea nevoie doar de patch-ul de actualizare de 14 MB.
Bugs fixed:
- Crash fixed: “Stonemason has no action”
- Crash fixed: “EAssertionFailed: KM_Terrain.pas, line 526”
- Crash fixed: “EAssertionFailed: KM_Units_Warrior.pas, line 642”
- Game correctly minimizes when you Alt-Tab from full screen mode
- “Unsaved changes will be lost” dialogue is shown properly from full screen mode
- Units eating in the inn were sometimes rendered at the wrong place
- Some bridges on the map Blitzkrieg could not be walked on
New features:
- Lobby slots can be closed to stop new players joining
- Lobby has a checkbox to allow host absolute control of teams/locations setup for all players
- Roads/fields can be placed by clicking and dragging
- The server list can be sorted by clicking on the column headers
- New co-operative map: TSK 12
- New multiplayer map Stranded (by caykroyd) for 4 or 8 players
Thank you to everyone who sent us bug reports, they made it possible to fix these crashes so quickly.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from the KaM Remake team! 🙂
62 răspunsuri la „Noua versiune: r2736 a treia actualizare demo multiplayer”