Noul nostru server

ACTUALIZARE 19 septembrie 2013: Transferul către noua gazdă a fost finalizat! Dacă aveți probleme cu site-ul, vă rugăm să ne anunțați. Serverul comunității TeamSpeak este de asemenea disponibil.

De când a început proiectul, KaM Remake a crescut peste așteptările noastre. Numărul de jucători online în multiplayer ajunge în mod regulat la peste 120. Atât în ​​iulie, cât și în august, site-ul nostru a transferat aproximativ 2 teraocteți de trafic (vezi graficul din dreapta) și este doar una dintre oglinzile noastre de descărcare, majoritatea de descărcări apar pe alte oglinzi oferite de fani. Pe de altă parte, serverul nostru master multiplayer care menține lista de servere de jocuri deservește aproape 2 milioane de solicitări individuale pe lună (în medie 40 pe minut) de la aproximativ 20.000 de adrese IP unice (vezi statisticile de mai jos).

When we set up these servers we did not anticipate that a remake of an old game like Knights and Merchants would become so popular. The current servers we use are shared hosts designed for hosting small websites, and are often not adequate for the amount of traffic we receive. Over the past few years we have had a number of issues with our servers resulting in downtime due to overloading or issues with the hosting provider. Another problem is that our master server is hosted in Australia (Lewin’s home country) which is on the opposite side of the world to Europe where the majority of our players live, meaning refreshing the server list in game is very slow for these players.

We now have a solution to these problems. In cooperation with (the international KaM forum and fan community) we have rented a virtual private server (VPS) in the Netherlands which now hosts the following services:

  • KaM Remake multiplayer master server
  • KaM community TeamSpeak server at
  • Other services we might want in the future such as multiplayer accounts or global in-game chat

We would like to thank Tom (T*AnTi-V!RuZz) the administrator of for all his hard work and support in organising this.

How does this affect you?
A virtual private server gives us more control, reliability and resources than our previous servers. Here are some changes you may notice:

  • This website will load faster and downloads will be faster
  • The multiplayer server list in-game will load faster
  • The website and multiplayer master server will be more reliable (less downtime/bugs)
  • Serverul Community TeamSpeak available
  • More services may be available in the future such as multiplayer accounts if we decide to implement that

How can you help?
The server cost us money to rent. We would appreciate if you can contribute to help keep the server running and support future development of the KaM Remake. Visit our donations page:

Donează pentru KaM Remake

Let us know what you think in the comments 🙂
Lewin and Krom.

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