
Currently active servers

Germany [GER/EU] GNet KaM88.198.51.1211
Venezuela Vszholobov Server158.160.25.1474
Germany [DE] IchbinkeinRehs KaM Server89.58.6.173
United States [PL] DragoonXVIII130.61.191.1152
Poland JUDASZ Server unreachable5.173.172.311
France [PL] [m03]
Czech Republic Jihlava Server213.226.225.1090
Russia KaM Remake Server Server unreachable83.246.244.1690
France Official KaM Remake Server51.77.64.1090
France [FR] [Cam]
France [PL] [m01]
France [PL] [m02]
France [PL] [m04]
France [PL] [m05]
Brazil [BR] Low Ping-South America187.75.40.1690
China [CN]***KaM China server*** Server unreachable119.29.142.2180
Brazil [BR]HERALDO.CLOUD By Poli179.127.166.1610
Russia [RU] Shelcovo KaM Remake Server Server unreachable46.160.230.1600
Germany [] KaM Remake Server88.99.93.480
United Kingdom [NL] toxic waters158.178.155.80

This list refreshes automatically every 30 seconds.

Server unreachable

Servers which show the icon next to the IP address could not be queried. This usually means the firewall for the server is not set up correctly. You must forward the port (56789 by default) through your router to your computer running the server and allow the server through any firewalls running on your computer. For more information and instructions visit

Statistics for past 24 hours

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Daily average for past 30 days

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Daily average for past year

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Daily average for past four years

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Top 20 maps in the current release

This feature has been exploited by certain map authors to make their maps appear more popular than they actually are by sending fake statistics. So unfortunately we have been forced to disable this feature.

Acknowledgements: The graph was created using RGraph. The server flags are from famfamfam and the IP to country conversion uses the free IP to Country database by Webnet77.