Ажурирање сервера р4186

Пронашли смо грешку на Линук наменском серверу која је изазивала неке проблеме са мрежним играма у нашем најновијем издању, укључујући и неуспешно покретање игара.

We have released an update to the server, r4186, which can be found on our страница за преузимање. As this bug only effects Linux servers you will only need to update your server if you are running it on Linux. Players who do not host a server will not need to do anything, the bug was only on the server side. Linux servers running the old version will no longer be listed on our server list to prevent players from using servers that have not been updated.

If you are having any issues hosting a server we would like to hear from you! 🙂 Send us your server log files so we can investigate any problems you are having. It is difficult for us developers to test the server application thoroughly ourselves because bugs will sometimes only occur after the server has been running for many days straight, so we rely on bug reports and logs files sent to us from server administrators. Similarly, if you are a player and are experiencing problems with network games please contact us so we can investigate.

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