
我們在 Linux 專用伺服器中發現了一個錯誤,該錯誤導致我們最新版本中的網路遊戲出現一些問題,包括遊戲無法啟動。

我們已經發布了伺服器更新 r4186,可以在我們的 下載頁面。由於此錯誤僅影響 Linux 伺服器,因此如果您在 Linux 上執行伺服器,則只需更新伺服器。不託管伺服器的玩家無需執行任何操作,該錯誤僅存在於伺服器端。運行舊版的Linux伺服器將不再列在我們的伺服器清單中,以防止玩家使用尚未更新的伺服器。

If you are having any issues hosting a server we would like to hear from you! 🙂 Send us your server log files so we can investigate any problems you are having. It is difficult for us developers to test the server application thoroughly ourselves because bugs will sometimes only occur after the server has been running for many days straight, so we rely on bug reports and logs files sent to us from server administrators. Similarly, if you are a player and are experiencing problems with network games please 聯絡我們 so we can investigate.

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