分類檔案: 訊息

Shadaoe 的預告片和 Youtube 頻道

請容許我介紹一下Shadaoe,你可能是在論壇上認識他的,也可能在網路上多人比賽中見過他。 Shadaoe 好心提出跑步 KaM Remake 的 Youtube 頻道 其中將包含教程、功能公告、多人遊戲錄音以及他認為您可能感興趣的任何其他內容。


大家好,歡迎來到 KaM Remake 的新網站,www.kamremake.com


Please check out our social media pages on Facebook and Twitter, as well our Youtube channel run by Shadaoe. (the first videos will be coming soon) You’ll also notice live statistics from the master server to the right, so when the demo is released you will be able to see how many people are playing by checking this site.

I look forward to hearing your feedback and seeing you in online games 🙂